Just some of my favourite things!
Resources, Tools & Recommendations

DISCLAIMER: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Read full Earnings Disclaimer here.
The Web Stuff
My must-have tools for website success
Building a website with WordPress can be complicated and daunting, but it really doesn't have to be when we break it down to smaller steps and the essentials of keeping it safe and easy to update.
I've been with Bluehost for over 15 years if you can believe it! I've moved many a client there as well. They are one of the oldest, reliable and cost-effective host providers out there. It gives you great bang for your new start-up buck and gives you a little more for your base package than other companies. It's a reliable option to get your business started especially for my Canadian friends.
Thrive Themes
This is, by far, my favourite website building tool. It's a suite of products geared towards building your own theme, sales pages, tripwires, and banners, pop-ups, countdowns and more.. It even has its own course/membership builder that integrates with WooCommerce perfectly. It's THE best way to start off on the right foot and growing your website with strategy.
Wordfence Security
One of my essential plugins of my custom tech stack I install for all of my client websites as well as my own. The free version will be enough as you get started and you can be on step ahead of keeping your website safe from being hacked.
Thinking of opening a store? It's no surprise WooCommerce is a top choice. With some planning, this may be a way to get started to selling on your site. With the amount of integrations and variations, WooCommerce is an essential tool.
Backups are SO important and if you're just getting started, backups may not be part of your hosting plan. Enter UpdraftPlus and don't let the name fool you, the free version is enough to get you started.
WP Hide & Security Enhancer
Not a common one, but something I highly recommend. This helps you to hide — on the surface level — that your site is built with WordPress. It also helps hide the default wp-login.php page for less hacking!
WP Mail Log
I recommend is to log the emails that your website sends especially if you have a course or membership area. This helps to track that your emails are sent correctly and see previews of them in one place.
Yoast SEO
Not too surprising! Yoast SEO is a great additional to have to keep on top of your SEO efforts.In my opinion, the free version is enough to get your website setup and stay SEO-friendly as you build.
The Business
My everyday business building essentials
These are tools I use every single day and cannot live without to run my business. Whatever stage your business is in, investing in tools like these will help you be more efficient and confident in your day-to-day operations and, effectively, move you closer to your goal quicker than without them.
I love Dubsado. It's the best investment I've ever made in my business and I've never looked back. It gives you the essential scheduler, but also helps you build your contracts, invoices, onboarding forms easily, getting you from discovery call, to signing, to getting paid in one day. My clients love how easy it is. I really think you won't regret it and you can set up 3 clients for free. What are you waiting for!?
I've tried many email providers and worked with many with my clients, but ActiveCampaign, although a little higher on the price side, is still my favourite. It's robust and integrates well with Thrive Themes or any plug-in to connect with your WordPress site. The user experience is excellent and helps you build automations quickly. Out of all email host providers, this is one of the most user-friendly ones I know that you can grow with.
Who doesn't love Canva! I have to say, as a part-time graphics designer, I was very used to building in Photoshop, but Canva has definitely grown leaps and bounds to make it easy for anyone to get great graphics for websites and social media among many other things and a great way to collaborate with my team.
This saves me so much time — all of my tutorial videos are made with Loom. You can do clip editing as well as edit the auto-generated transcript. You can download your video & upload it to any other place to host your video, like YouTube. I also use it to show clients DIY tips & answering questions in between meetings.
Adobe Creative Cloud
As a photographer, web designer, developer, graphic designer, I've been working with Adobe for 20 years. With other tools out there now, this may not be what you need. If you want more advanced tools that connect with each other and carry with you everywhere on your iPad, nothing beats Adobe.
All of my meetings are with Zoom. It integrates with Dubsado and immediately schedules and sends a Zoom link once someone books a meeting with me. It's reliable and universal in use. The consistency and quality of Zoom is one less business worry for me.
An amazing project management tool. I work with clients to keep tasks on track. With its extensive features, you can communicate right in the tool with your client. There is a file storage limit on the free plan, but enough to get you started & set up great working relationship with your clients!
Spark Mail App
I have many many email addresses. How about you? Spark keeps all of my emails in one place. I can color code inboxes, focus on one or all inboxes, pin, schedule or sort emails very quickly keeping me at inbox ZERO — the thing that keeps me sane. And I (almost) never miss an email.
The Alternatives
Tried, tested and true options
Just like your milk choices there are always alternative tools to building your business and website. The trouble it that there are so many options, what should you choose? These are some of my recommended and tested choices.
There is a growing list so stay tuned!
Elegant Themes
Divi has come a long way and is one of the most popular themes and page builders out there. It's a solid alternative to Thrive Themes helping you build and highly customize your website to your brand. Take it for a spin through their live demo and see how you like it. Also great? It's a cost-effective option.
Many a web designer loves Elementor. The free version is for you to get your feet wet and lacks a lot of functionality. The Pro version will help you to build your own theme for a highly customized site. If you've given other options a test drive, try out Elementor. It might just be your cup of tea.
The super popular ConvertKit is a great email host provider to get started and grow your email list. It integrates quite well with WordPress and is one of the more robust without breaking your bank options out there to help you build pop-ups, automations and segmentation. ConvertKit might be your language!
MailChimp has come a long way over the years and may have built a bit of a bad rep if you've seen it from the ground up. But it has grown and changed a lot and as a start-up, is a good option to build with, get acquainted with email list building. The free version keeps it simple until you're ready go big.
Siteground, for my American friends, is a great alternative. It's a reliable host provider but a little less bang for your buck. It's a pricier start-up option out there but it is reliable in service. The user experience is a little clunky for me in its effort to be more user-friendly, ironically. A solid option.
WP Engine
I recommend WP Engine for businesses that are growing quickly with a large amount of traffic. It is a pricier option but for good reason as it's a WordPress managed site — they take care of your security for you. Their customer service is also well-rated and might for you if you're ready to invest.
This is for the more experienced in tech or web developers, agencies and techies that know how to build a site from the ground up — from server to security to storage. Cloudways stores your site in the cloud instead of a physical server and could cost you less over time.
The Books
Books I love that made me go, "That's how I want to build my empire!"
I love me a good book — give me the real thing over an iPad any day. These are the books on my bookshelf and the ones that really made me think of and build my business the way that it reflects me and how I want to serve the community. It helped reframe my thoughts around my strengths and weaknesses, how I feel about business and marketing as well as the big M — Money. I hope it can do the same for you.
Wealth Warrior
by Steve Chandler
This goes deeper into really building wealth — and what that means — into your life so that you can serve with clarity and get past the hang ups you might have about building a service-based business. Think you're not good enough? This one's for you.
by Greg McKeown
I love me some clean and clear! Not the face wash, but in throwing out the unnecessary, the extraneous and the overthinking to always focus on the simple things in life and business. To keep your eye on the prize and not lose your way with just the essentials.
The E-Myth Revisited
by Michael E. Gerber
This is a great read with practical and real examples of business owners either starting new and revisiting their business idea or process after not seeing any increase in sales or growth. It's a fantastic read to get you thinking and seeing your business with some fresh eyes to build it your way.
Now, Discover Your Strengths
by Gallup
I often suffer from imposter syndrome. But reading this book and doing the Strengthsfinder test really helped me to see that the things that I thought were weaknesses were actually strengths to capitalize on. It helped me throw away the 'Maybe I should do this job instead!' thoughts and gave me direction — and courage — to move forward.